LJV Tronix, s.r.o.

LJV TRONIX s.r.o. is the only specialised company in the Czech Republic dealing in systems for concealing televisions or monitors in cupboards, chests of draws, beds, bars, offices, cafés, hotels, etc. It offers technical support in designing furniture for installing the lifting device, supplies complete technology, help with running as well as servicing.

We are a young, innovative company specialising in the supply of original and practical technological products. Our products marry Czech inventiveness with practical skill. In this way we´re able to supply not only the Czech market but also the European market with a system with outstanding know-how. We are able to supply not only the equipment itself but also, along with our approved partners, to offer customised solutions according to your wishes. What´s more, we continually monitor trends abroad, actively participate in exhibitions and consider how to make the world better and more enjoyable in accordance with our company motto:

“Man comes into this world to work, live and exist here. Only the wise try to push our world further and higher. And only a fool would try to stop it .”

Jan Werich